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Acrobat Readerに0-day脆弱性(※《 》内は勝手訳)

Security Advisory- Adobe Reader and Acrobat
By David Lenoe on December 15, 2009 4:17 PM | No Comments

A Security Advisory has been posted in regards to the Adobe Reader and Acrobat issue discussed in the Adobe PSIRT blog on December 14 ("New Adobe Reader and Acrobat Vulnerability", CVE-2009-4324).
《14日にこのブログで書いた通り、Adobe ReaderAcrobat脆弱性に関連したアドバイザリが公開された。(CVE-2009-4324)》

A critical vulnerability exists in Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.2 and earlier for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX operating systems. This vulnerability (CVE-2009-4324) could cause a crash and potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system. There are reports that this vulnerability is being actively exploited in the wild. Customers should refer to the Security Advisory for information on mitigating this vulnerability. The advisory will be updated once a schedule has been determined for releasing a fix.
《Win,Mac,Unix版のAdobe ReaderAcrobatの9.2以前に脆弱性がある。これにより攻撃者は、クラッシュ(システム?アプリケーション?)を引き起こし、端末のコントロールを奪うことが可能。また、この方法は今現在、容易に入手可能。利用者はセキュリティアドバイザリを参照して、問題の緩和を図ってほしい。修正プログラムの公開日程が決まったらアドバイザリを更新する予定。》

Adobe actively shares information about this and other vulnerabilities with partners in the security community to enable them to quickly develop detection and quarantine methods to protect users until a patch is available. Adobe recommends that you keep your anti-malware software and definitions up-to-date and monitor releases from your vendor about this issue.
We will continue to provide updates on this issue via the Security Advisory section of the Adobe web site, as well as the Adobe PSIRT blog.
